We know you have been anxiously awaiting a start date for when we will actually be able to put our feet in the sand. We are excited to report that we will begin to play on Monday, June 17th!
Again, thank you for being patient with us, we hit a few snags with our court construction that forced us to push back. Believe us, we’ve been as anxious (way, way, way anxious) to get this party started.
Ok so let’s go over a few things here that need some clarification…
What does a doubleheader league mean? This simply means you will be playing two matches per evening instead of one. The length of the season is still the same (8 weeks + playoffs), you just get to play twice the number of games because we love you and want you to have the most amount of fun in the sun (or rain, or like, the suspicious amount of hail we have been getting). Also, you’ll see that you are always playing back to back matches and your team has the same amount early matches as of late matches.
Special note for Tuesday League: We had two teams drop out last minute so this means there will be weekly BYEs built into the schedule. When you see your name vs BYE, this means you don’t have a match but you still have the court if your team wants to play 3v3/practice/play around/bury someone in the sand.
What we need from YOU: We need you to fill out our email and t-shirt form. Your team captain should have this information, but don’t hesitate to reach out directly to us if you’ve yet to see it.  It is imperative that everyone fills out the form so we can generate an email list that will go out to everyone playing in the leagues. Last but not least, we’ll have all the t-shirts ready on the first week of play, and inputting your t-shirt size will allow us to pre-bag each all the shirts for your squad.
Additionally, if you are playing on multiple nights, simply fill out the form twice, indicating your team and t-shirt size accordingly.
Ok ok, got it, the form is important, what else should we know?
Once we have everyone’s information, we will be sending the rules and other league information for all of the weekly volleyball nights.
Please reach out to us with any questions, and we’ll see everyone out there soon!

Keep on Floating

Court Construction

Coming Along!

Pre-Season Party at Musica

Was a Blast!

Summit Sports & Social

520 S Main St Suite 2511-24 
Akron, OH 44311

Call Us: (330) 203-1637


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